PHRASAL VERBS – Political Events

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Hi, everyone!

Here is another post about phrasal verbs.

Phrasal verbs are idiomatic phrases consisting of a verb and another element, typically an adverb or a preposition, or a combination of both. They are widely used by native speakers of English so it’s a good idea to try to learn some of them.

We’ll see some of the basic phrasal verbs to describe Political Events in this post. I’m sure you’ve already heard some or maybe all of them and will be able to understand the meaning by the context, so here we go!

BRING DOWN – cause to lose power. (derrubar)

A national strike would bring the government down.

BRING IN – introduce, initiate. (introduzir, iniciar)

We intend to bring in legislation to control their activities.

CRACK DOWN – enforce laws. (fechar o cerco, punir)

The first reaction to the riot was to crack down hard.

DEAL WITH  – address, resolve. (lidar com)

We learned to deal with any sort of emergency.

ENGAGE IN – take part in, participate.  (enjajar-se em, participar de)

They were engaged in every project.

ENTER INTO – become involved. (envolver-se)

His party entered into an alliance with the Socialists.

FIGHT BACK – retaliate, try to combat. (retaliar, reagir, contra-atacar)

Our troops fighting back desperately.

COME INTO FORCE –become law.  (entrar em vigor)

The new law does not come into force until next year.

GO AHEAD – do as planned. (ir em frente, continuar)

They are going ahead with new restrictions.

IMPOSE ON – enforce by law (impor)

The rule was imposed on small businesses.

LEAD TO – head, command, guide. (conduzir, guiar, comandar)

The strike can lead to job losses.

PULL OUT – extract, remove. (extrair, remover, retirar)

The government has pulled out the army.

PUSH FOR – create pressure in favor of. (pressionar)

Unions were pushing for higher wages.

SORT OUT – organize, plan, arrange, put in order. (organizar, planejar)

Once we are able to sort out this issue, we can start.

STAND BY  – be ready and waiting. (estar a postos, apoiar)

We cannot stand by and watch while our allies are attacked.

STAND FOR – defend, represent. (defender, representar)

EU stands for European Union.

No one would stand for election.

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